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Office Culture is key!

2/20/2020 (Permalink)

In every single office across the globe, there is one thing in common; each and every office has a culture. Some good. Some bad...some toxic. What can you as a leader do to improve your culture? Today we will discuss three important facts that you can do to make the culture in your office one that fosters excellence, encourages constant improvement and where each and every person knows they are valued, and want to get to the next level. 

Fact #1Your employees want to be the best.No one gets up in the morning and say to themselves, " I think I will be mediocre today." As a leader, it is your job to motivate your team to wake up and say "I am going to perform at my best today because I want to be the best." Notice I didn't say so I can make the most money...or I can be the manager. These things may happen based on an employee performing well, but the goal cannot be more money or more authority...these things change with time, but having a desire to perform at the highest level you are capable of never changes. Fact #2You will set the tone of the culture of your office, either on purpose, or on accident. Intentionality is one of the most important pieces for a leader in the office. Regardless of whether you think so or not, you are setting the culture every single day that people are experiencing, the only real question is, are you doing it on purpose or by accident? Being intentional about your influence in the office will allow you to build the culture that you want your company/office to have!Fact #3If you don't have and share goals with your employees, they will not ever meet them!It may seem like common sense, but if you don't have goals, and share those goals, your employees will never know about them and cannot work to achieve them. Setting goals with your office, and allowing them to be a part of this entire process, allows for everyone to be on the same page and know exactly what is expected, and how they can be a part of the success!  Don't put off making the culture you want in your business! Start today and every day hereafter you will be one day closer to the culture that will enable you and your employees to grow and thrive!